Candle nuts (Aleurites moluccana) are a relative of Macadamia nuts andresemble them in appearance and in texture. They have a hard furrowed shelland the nuts are yellow, waxy, and brittle, much like their Macadamia cousins.Called Indonesia Candlenut because of their high oil content. IndonesiaCandlenut look similar to macadamia nuts, however their taste is quite different.
In Southeast Asian including Indonesia cooking they are used as a thickener anda texture enhancer in curry pastes and other dishes. They are never eaten raw,however, because of their slight toxicity and laxative effect, as evidenced by theirbitterness, which is neutralized by cooking.
They are pounded or ground into a paste before being added to curries, stews, orgravies to act as a thickener and binder, and to give a creamy texture. They havea taste similar to Macadamias, except for a slight bitterness which is helped bycooking, and the addition of a little sugar, if needed.
Indonesia Candlenut go rancid very quickly and must be used as soon aspossible, and kept in the refrigerator or freezer.
Indonesia Candlenut are called buah keras in Malay, and kemiri in Indonesian.
It grows up to 65 feet tall (20 m). Sometimes even taller trees are seen, ashigh as 90 feet. The tree’s flowers are small and white and grow in clusters,and the fruits are from 1 to 3 inches in diameter, with a whitish skin whenyoung that turns from green to black when mature. There are two or threeMacadamia-like kernels within each fruit.
The tree is cultivated in China, where it is not associated with food, but thenut oil is used in various applications, such as for a drying oil called tung oilused in paints, varnishes, lacquer, and soft soap, although it is not the bestsource for this oil. You will also see the oil sold for cosmetic or skin carepurposes, such as as an oil for showering or in body lotions or cremes, or asan aromatherapy agent. In Hawaii, where it is called Kukui nut it has longbeen used for skin care and other therapeutic purposes. The evidence forits use in this regard is lacking, except for the fact it has been used forcenturies. As the content of oil in Indonesia Candlenut is high, it is said tocontain the benefits like other oily nuts which are beneficial for the hair,skin and even to heal wounds.
Indonesia Candlenut are often used in curries or stew when itcomes to Malaysian, Indonesian or even Singaporean cuisines. Thehigh content of oil in Indonesia Candlenut contributes to the gravybeing thicker in curries and stews. Indonesia Candlenut are addedinto the chilli pastes of curries to make the dish thicker, creamierand slightly oilier. The mild bitterness in the Indonesia Candlenutdisappears upon cooking.
In choosing Indonesia Candlenut suppliers, you must ensure that thequality provided by the supplier is of the best quality. One of the bestSupplier of Indonesia Candlenut is PT Tiga Rasa Indonesia. Providingnot only Indonesia Candlenut quality, but also other foods such asIndonesian Tamarind and Indonesian green mung beans as well.Please visit our website immediately to find out more information.
Candlenuts are very beneficial for people whose cholesterol levelsare outside of the normal and healthy range because these treenuts help increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL or high-density lipoprotein) and in the process lowering the levels of badcholesterol (LDL or low-density lipoprotein).
The first benefit of candlenut is to maintain cardiovascular health.This is because some of the content that is in the hazelnut is ableto lower high cholesterol levels in the body. In addition Candlenutis also good in assisting the process of lowering the evil cholesterolkada in the blood.
One of the many nutrients in candlenuts is potassium, which iswell-known for its ability to lower high blood pressure. The waypotassium works is this: it causes the relaxation of the walls of theblood vessels, allowing the blood to flow more freely throughoutyour system. This helps save the heart from being overworked andbecoming large
Candlenut Texture
Candlenuts are a relative of Macadamia nuts and resemble them in appearance and in texture. They have a hard furrowed shelland the nuts are yellow, waxy, and brittle, much like their Macadamia cousins. Called Indonesian Candlenut because of their highoil content. In Southeast Asian including Indonesian cooking they are used as a thickener and a texture enhancer in curry pastesand other dishes.
Whole, Split, Ground
The product must be stored in an airtightcontainer and far away from sunlight and any moisture. Bestwhen stored at temperatures 20 - 32°C.
1 - 2 year after the date of production under storageconditions in accordance with the recommended storage.
White to a light brown color.
Creamy with a nutty , almost almond like taste,but milder.
Nutty Aroma