We present only the best Flores Manggarai coffeebeans. We control and process all the quality by ourown hands to make sure only the best coffee will bedelivered to you. In Flores – Manggarai, we separatethe coffee from its varietal, processing method, evenfrom specific village and farmers, hence every bag youreceive has its narrowest origin for specific roastingand cupping experience. We also keep improving theflavor by experimenting in the fermentation variables
Arabica coffee originating from Flores is the largestcontributor to coffee exports for Indonesia. No wonderthe Flores Arabica coffee is offered at a quite expensiveprice compared to other regional coffees. Some of thecountries that this coffee is exported to are America,Europe and so on.
This Flores coffee is easy to grow and can be producedquickly. Even the production age of this coffee reaches20 years. The capacity for each production is 4-5 kg pertree. With this high production yield, this Arabicacoffee from Flores is able to penetrate the internationalmarket.
The entire process of planting Flores coffee is carried outthrough an organic process or does not use chemicals. Sothat the quality can be guaranteed and the taste of this coffeeis stronger and more fragrant. At harvest time, Flores coffeewill have a grayish green color and the post-harvest process isusually wet processed or dry ground. The characteristics thatexist in Flores coffee are more sweetness or have a sweetsensation, the acidity level is balanced or medium, and thereis a caramel flavor, also chocolate, helzanut, macadamia nutflavors, even herbal flavors in it and full body. With thecharacteristics possessed by Flores coffee, so the number ofenthusiasts is also increasing.
CV Akshada Lestari provides a variety of Arabica and Robustacoffees from several regions of Indonesia that are well knownboth at home and abroad. Serving purchases for export needsto various countries with various standard grade coffee beans.